最新消息: |
2025.Top |


2024.Top |
Christma Party

2024.Top |
Thanks giving! |
2023.Top |
2023 June in boston confference!

2021.Top |
新版網頁,搶先看! |


2021.12.23 |
2021 Christmas Party


Our work has been selected as Analytical Chemistry Cover
2021.11.24 |
2021 Thanksgiving


2021 Bioasia亞洲生技展


2021 未來科技展

2021.09.29 |
Happy Teachers' Day !!


COVID-19 Viral RNA Detection Published !! <Read more...>

2021.08.03 |
Congratulations, Pin-Hsuan!

2021.07.08 |
Congratulations, Dr. Wang!


經濟部技術處-搶先大賽 季軍

2020.12.09 |
2020 Christmas Party

2020.11.26 |
2020 Thanksgiving

2020.11.09 |
Happy Birthday !!

2020.11.04 |

2020.11.04 |
新冠病毒快篩 5分鐘搞定!清大團隊 王玉麟:難的事一開始不會沒關係,重點是保持興趣

2020.10.29 |
清大SDGs 專題論文海報競賽特別獎- 陳品璇

2020.10.27 |
[自由時報]清大碩二生研發唾液快篩新冠病毒晶片 5分鐘搞定

2020.10.19 |
ICSS 2020 conference
- Chang Run Wu, Po-Hsuan Chen, Pin-Hsuan Chen, Shu-Yi Tsai, Liang-Wen Liao and Yu-Lin Wang, "Investigation of EDL-gated FET Biosensors for CRP detection in high ionic strength solutions", ICSS 2020 International Conference on Smart Sensors, Oct. 2020.
- Shu-Yi Tsai, Jung-Chih Chen and Yu-Lin Wang, "The effect of nifedipine on membrane potential of H9C2 cells by using electrical double layer (EDL) gated field-effect transistor", ICSS 2020 International Conference on Smart Sensors, Oct. 2020.
- Shin-Li Wang and Yu-Lin Wang, "AC Impedance Analysis of Cadmium Ion Selective Sensor Using Field-Effect Transistor with Portable Device", ICSS 2020 International Conference on Smart Sensors, Oct. 2020.
- Akhil K Paulose, Po-Hsuan Chen and Yu-Lin Wang, "EDL-FET sensor as a new platform for covid-19 diagnosis", ICSS 2020 International Conference on Smart Sensors, Oct. 2020.

2020.09.28 |
Happy Teachers' Day !!

2020.09.16 |

2020.09.14 |
國際奈米科技奧林匹亞競賽 國家代表隊選拔賽
榮獲第三名佳績!! 獎金新台幣10萬元!!

2020.08.21 |

2020.01.21 |

2019.12.21 |
2019 Christmas Party

2019.11.9 |
Happy Birthday !!

~27 |
Transducers 2019 (Berlin, Germany)

2019.06.01 |
ICSS 2019

~30 |
235th ECS meeting (Dallas, TX)

2019. |

Our team won the EpiStar Innovation Competition Award.
<The 2nd Place>

<The Creative Award>

<Excellent Group>

2018.12.20 |
2018 Christmas Party
2018 Thanksgiving

2018.11.13 |
Winning : Shark Tank Competition at MicroTAS 2018 - Silver Medal
2018 第四屆旭泰科技論文獎 - 金獎

實驗室團隊於第23屆台灣化學感測器科技研討會(2018 ACST paper award )獲獎
產業論文競賽季軍 (Industry Paper Award, The 3rd Place )
Using aptamer with high electron mobility transistor for multiplexed CVDs biomarker- Tse-Yu Tai, Anirban Sinha, Gwo-Bin Lee, Yu-LinWang
- Using Ion Selective FET Sensor for detection of Lead from Whole Blood -
S.L. Wang, R. Sukesan, C.Y. Hsieh, Y.L. Wang.
- Using AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Tansistors (HEMTs) to Realize Lead Ion Detection Beyond the Ideal Nernst Response - Ching-Yen Hsieh, Yi-Ting Chen, Revathi Sukesan, Yu-Lin Wang.
優等壁報獎 (Best Poster Award)
Whole blood based cardiac Troponin I assay using high field
modulated extended gate FET biosensor - Indu Sarangadharan, Shin-Li Wang, Revathi Sukesan, Tse-Yu Tai, Anil Kumar Pulikkathodi and Yu-Lin Wang.
- 模擬體液與全血於閘極之穩定性檢測 及B 型利鈉激素(BNP)抗體與蛋白質之檢測 - 黃姝文,
Indu Saragadharan, 王玉麟
- 以氮化鋁鎵氮化鎵製成之高電子遷移率電晶體建立RNA 快速篩檢平台檢測之癌症生物標記miR-21 - 郭文哲, 陳彥文, 王玉麟
2018.01.17 |
問券調查 - 食安管家隨身機 |
Christmas Party

2017.12.07 ~2017.12.10 |
台灣醫療科技展 - Taiwan Healthcare + Expo at 南港展覽館

2017.11.23 |
2017 Thanksgiving

2017.10.01 |
[Conference] ECS 232th Meeting at National Harbor, MD (greater Washington, DC area)
- Mercury Selective GaN HEMT Sensor for Dynamic Water Quality Monitoring - Revathi Sukesan
2017.08.03 |

2017.07.01 |
Welcome 黃姝文、謝清彥、郭文哲 Join Our Group |
2017.05.28 |
[Conference] ECS 231th Meeting at New Orleans, LA
- Blood Based Biomarker Detection Using FET Biosensor: Towards Self-Health Management - Indu Sarangadharan,
- Aptamer Functionalized AlGaN/GaN Hemt Biosensor Array for Electrical Enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells - Anil Kumar Pulikkathodi
- DNA Detection Mechanism with AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) Biosensor in High Ionic Strength Solution - 陳彥文



第二次受邀拜訪 Google X

2017.01.17 |

2016.12.31 |

2016.12.22 |
Christmas Party


榮獲 2016亞太資通訊科技聯盟大賽(APICTA Awards)銀牌榮耀。

2016.11.24 |
2016 Thanksgiving

2016.10.02 |
[Conference] ECS 230th Meeting at Honolulu, Hawaii
- Direct Detection of Low Concentration DNA in High Ionic Strength Solution with AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility TransistorsAlGaN/GaN Transistors - 陳彥文

接受 Google X 邀請參加 X Science Fair

2016.09.01 |
Welcome Revathi Join Our Group |
2016.08.11 |

2016.08.01 |
Welcome 王心莉 Join Our Group |
2016.07.01 |
Welcome 戴澤宇 Join Our Group |
2016.05.29 |
[Conference] ECS 229th Meeting at San Diego
- Direct Detection of NT- Pro BNP As a Cardiac Biomarker Using High Electron Mobility Transistors in Physiological Salt Environment -Abiral
- A Novel and Robust Packaing Technology for Miniaturized FET-Based Biosensors with Microfluidic Channels - 許振彬
2015.12.23 |
Christmas Party

2015.11.25 |
2015 Thanksgiving

榮獲 計畫成果優秀海報獎
2015.11.13 |
[Conference] Automation 2015 at NTNU
- Novel electronic hydroxyl radical sensors using conductive polyaniline - INDU
2015.10.11 |
[Conference] ECS 228th Meeting at Phoenix
- AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Marker Detection - INDU
- Aaptamer Immobilized Field-Effect Transistor for Early Diagnostic of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) - INDU
- Investigation of the Dynamic Relaxation Behavior of Biomolecules Immobilized on Metal Electrode in Time Domain - 許振彬
2015.09.08 |
Welcome Dinesh、Anil Join Our Group |
2015.07.01 |
Welcome 陳彥文 Join Our Group |
2015.06.30 |
After defense
2015.05.24 |
[Conference] ECS 227th Meeting at Chicago
Dilute Hydrogen Sulfide Sensing Characteristics of a Pt/GaN Schottky Diode - 肖劍鋒
2015.01.19 |
[Conference] MEMS 2015 at Portugal
An integrated microfluidic system with field-effect-transistor-based biosensors for automatic highly-sensitive c-reactive protein measurement - 朱珈禾
2014.11.27 |
2014 Thanksgiving Dinner
2014.11.10 |
[Conference] IEEE-NANOMED 2014 at Kaohsiung
- Development of High Sensitivity Cholesterol Sensor based on Ultra‐low Sensitivity of H2O2 Sensor - 朱珈禾
- Capacitive Current Induced by Double‐Strand DNA With Doxorubicin for Biosensor - 許振彬
- A Novel Resistive Sensor based on Polyaniline for Real Time Detection of Hydroxyl Radical - INDU
2014.10.05 |
[Conference] ECS 226th Meeting at Cancun
- A Novel Ultra-Low Detection Limit Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor Based on Horseradish Peroxidase Immobilized Polyaniline Film - 方冠中
- Capacitive current induced by dsDNA for biosensor applications - 許振彬
- Investigation of the Hydroxyl Radical Sensor with Conductance Change of Polyaniline - 方容瑩
- Novel Cholesterol Sensor Based on Ultra-Low Detection Limit Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor - 朱珈禾
2014.09.15 |
Welcome Abiral Join Our Group ! |
2014.06.19 |
After defense
2013.12.23 |
Christmas Party
2013.11.28 |
2013 Thanksgiving Dinner
2013.10.27 |
[Conference] ECS 224th Meeting at San Francisco
Investigation of the current stability of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors in various liquid/solid interface on the gate area. - 方容瑩 |
2013.09.14 |
[Conference] E-MRS 2013 Fall Meeting at Warsaw
A High Sensitivity Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor with Ultra-Low Detection Limit Based on Enzyme Immobilization and N-Alkylated Poly(Aniline) - 方冠中 |
2013.09.09 |
Welcome INDU Join Our Group |
2013.09.06 |
Welcome 肖劍鋒 Join Our Group |
2013.07.01 |
Welcome 朱珈禾、陳奕廷 Join Our Group |
2013.05.14 |
[Conference] ECS 223rd Meeting at Toronto
A Novel Detection of Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)
for HIV-1 with AlGaNGaN High Electron Mobility Transistors - 康晏文 |