
Aug. 2006~ May, 2009 Ph. D.
Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Sept. 1993~ June 1995 Master of Science,
Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Sept. 1989~June 1993 Bachelor of Science,
Chemistry, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
- Bioelectronics
- Biosensors and Chemical sensors
- Semiconductor Materials
- Semiconductor Electronic and Photonic Devices (LEDs, HBTs, TFTs, FETs, and HEMTs..etc.)
Research and Employment Experience
Aug. 2018~present Professor, Institute of NanoEngineering and Microsystem, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Aug. 2014~Jul. 2018 Associate Professor, Institute of NanoEngineering and Microsystem, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Aug. 2010~Jul. 2014
Assistant Professor, Institute of NanoEngineering and Microsystem, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Jan. 2010~Jun. 2010
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida
- DNA bionanotechnology : Design, synthesis, and purification of DNA and the application of DNA in nanotechnology
June 2009~Dec. 2009 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Florida
- Design, fabrication and characterization of bio and chemical sensors by using AlGaN/GaN HEMTs.
- Design, fabrication, and characterization of hydrogen sensors.
Aug. 2006~May 2009 Research Assistant, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Florida
- Design, fabrication and characterization of bio and chemical sensors by using AlGaN/GaN HEMTs.
- Design, fabrication, and characterization of the indium zinc oxide (InZnO) thin film transistors.
- Fabrication and characterization of the ZnO light emitting diodes.
2005~2006 Department Manager, Department of failure analysis and reliability assurance, Unimicron Inc. Taoyuan, Taiwan
- IC carrier failure analysis and reliability assurance
2004~2005 Department Manager, Department of photolithography and etching process, WIN semiconductor Corp. Taoyuan, Taiwan
- Management of processes and equipments of photolithography and etching
- AlInGaP LED and GaN LED process development
2001~2004 Section Manager, Department of technology development, Suntek Compound semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. Hsin-chiu, Taiwan
- InP HBT development : Project granted by Ministry of Economic Affair, R.O.C.
- InGaP HBT development for GSM & CDMA cell phone & base station power amplifier.
- AlGaAs HBT development for GSM & CDMA cell phone power amplifier.
- AlInGaP LED and GaN LED process development
1998~2001 Engineer, Department of Research & Development, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. Hsin-chiu, Taiwan
- Development of 0.13um, 0.25um, 0.35um logic device in backend process integration.
- Development of 0.16um, 0.25um, 0.35um DRAM process integration.
1997~1998 Engineer, Department of Process Integration, Epi Star Corp. Hsin-chiu, Taiwan
- Process development of high brightness InAlGaP LEDs.
1995~1997 Military Service, 1st Lieutenant, Air Force, Taiwan
1993~1995 Research Assistant, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinca, Taipei, Taiwan
- Study on molecular vibrational modes by theoretical calculation and IR spectroscopy analysis
1993~1994 Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
- Assisting undergraduate students in conducting physical chemistry experiments.
- Yen-Wen Kang, Chih-Lin Lin, Ko-Wei Chang, Wen-Hsin Chang, Gwo-Bin Lee*, and Yu-Lin Wang*(invited speaker), “Rapid C-reactive Protein Detection with AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors in an Integrated Microfluidic System”, ECS 2014, Orlando, May 11-16, 2014.
- Yu-Lin Wang*(invited speaker), Chih-Cheng Huang, You-Ren Hsu, Yen-Wen Kang, “Identification of ligand-receptor binding affinity using AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors and binding-site models”, 8th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2013), Suzhou, China, April 7-10, 2013.
- Chih-Cheng Huang, Geng-Yen Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Hui-Teng Cheng, Chen-Pin Hsu, You-Ren Hsu, Yu-Fen Huang, Yu-Lin Wang* (invited speaker) “Identification of the amount of binding sites and dissociation constants of an ligand-receptor complex using AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors”, The 224th American chemical society (ACS) national meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 19-23, 2012.
- Yu-Lin Wang* (invited speaker), “AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) for ligand-receptor binding affinity study”, The 10th Nano and Micro systems workshop (NAMIS), Sendai, Japan, May 28-31, 2012.
- Chih-Cheng Huang, Geng-Yen Lee, Jen-Inn Chyi, Hui-Teng Cheng, Chen-Pin Hsu, You-Ren Hsu, Fan Ren, and Yu-Lin Wang* (invited speaker) “Study of protein-peptide binding affinity using AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors”, ECS 2012, Honolulu, Oct. 7-12, 2012.
- Yu-Lin Wang (speaker), B. H. Chu, C. Y. Chang, K. H. Chang, Y. Zhang, Q. Sun, J. Han, S. J. Pearton, F. Ren “High Sensitivity of Hydrogen Sensing Through N-polar GaN Schottky Diodes”, MRS 2009, Boston, Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2009.
- Yu-Lin Wang, B. H. Chu (speaker), K. H. Chen, C.Y. Chang, T. P. Lele, Y. Tseng, S. J. Pearton, J. Ramage, D. Hooten, A. Dabiran, P. P. Chow, and F. Ren “Real-time detection of botulinum toxin with AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor”, ECS 2009, San Francisco, CA, May 24-29, 2009.
- Yu-Lin Wang, H. S. Kim, D. P. Norton (speaker), S. J. Pearton, F. Ren “Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor-Deposited SiO2 and SiNx Passivation Effects on ZnO Heterojunction Light Emitting Diodes”, ECS 2008, Honolulu, HI, October 12-17, 2008.
- Yu-Lin Wang (speaker), H. S. Kim, D. P. Norton, S. J. Pearton, F. Ren “Demonstration of Hydrogen Effects on ZnO LEDs in Current-Voltage and Electroluminescence Characteristics”, ECS 2008, Phoenix, AZ, May 18-22, 2008.
- Yu-Lin Wang (speaker), Wantae Lim, L. N. Covert, T. J. Anderson, J. Lin, S. J. Pearton, D. P. Norton, F. Ren “Room Temperature Deposited Enhancement Mode and Depletion Mode Indium Znic Oxide Thin Film Transistors”, ECS 2008, Phoenix, AZ, May 18-22, 2008.
- Yu-Lin Wang (speaker), L. N. Covert, T. J. Anderson, Wantae Lim, J. Lin, S. J. Pearton, D. P. Norton, J. M. Zavada, F. Ren “Frequency Response and Devices Performance of The Indium Zinc Oxide Thin Film Transistor”, ECS 2007, Washington D.C., October 7-12, 2007.
Conference/Symposium Activity
- Symposium originator and lead organizer: ECS 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana, “Solid-state electronics and photonics in biology and medicine” sponsored by Electronic and Photonic division.
- Symposium originator and lead organizer: ECS 2016, San Diego, Califonia, “Solid-state electronics and photonics in biology and medicine” sponsored by Electronic and Photonic division.
- Symposium co-organizer: IUMRS-ICAM 2015, Jeju, Korea, “Symposium II: Electronic Materials”
- Symposium originator and lead organizer: ECS 2015, Phoenix, Arizona, “Solid-state electronics and photonics in biology and medicine” sponsored by Electronic and Photonic division.
- Symposium lead organizer: ECS 2015, Chicago, Illinois, “State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors” sponsored by Electronic and Photonic division.
- Symposium originator and lead organizer: ECS 2014, Cancun, Mexico, “Solid-state electronics and photonics in biology and medicine” sponsored by Electronic and Photonic division.
- Symposium co-organizer: ECS 2014, Orlando, Florida “15th ECS Symposium on Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Materials & Devices”: sponsored by Electronic and Photonic division.
- Symposium session chair: 8th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS), Suzhou, China, 2013
- Symposium session chair: ECS 2012, Honolulu, “State-of-the-art program on compound semiconductors 54 (SOTAPOCS 54): Advances in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors.”
- Symposium session chair: IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipei, “Chemical and Gas Sensors: Graphene and Carbon Nanotube based Sensors.”